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Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park


Tel: + 27 (0) 54 561 2000 (Twee Rivieren)
Fax: + 27 (0) 54 561 2005

This Transfrontier park is a 4 x 4 paradise, with premium game viewing against red sand dunes and camel thorn trees.

Animals found here range from magnificent black-mane lion, leopard, cheetah to gemsbok, springbok, eland and blue wildebeest. A variety of birds, noteably an impressive variety of raptors, also occur here.

An amalgamation of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park in South Africa (proclaimed in 1931) and the Gemsbok National Park in Botswana, the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park comprises an area of more than 3,6 million hectares.

Five things to see and do

• Go lion-hunting – with your camera. Search for the legendary black-maned Kalahari Lions – Physically impressive, they are the kings of the Kalahari Desert.

• Check the traffic – at a sociable weaver nest. The busy little birds construct huge communal nests, often attracting Africa’s smallest falcon, the Pygmy

• Learn about the park - lectures, slide shows and holiday programs are organised from the information centre at Twee Rivieren.

• Take the Nossob 4x4 Eco Trail - for information and bookings, please contact the reception desk at Twee Rivieren.

• Look out for the little guys – while lion and hyena may be a star attraction, Meetkat, ground squirrel, bat-eared fox and honey badger are also interesting park residents.


Stay in one of three rest camps, overnight at a wilderness camp or relax at the luxury !Xaus Lodge. CLICK HERE to view accommodation options.


Information from the SANPARKS website.