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Chamber of Mines of South Africa


PO Box 61809
South Africa

Tel: 011 498 7100
Fax: 011 498 7429

The Chamber of Mines of South Africa provides strategic support and advisory input to its members. It facilitates interaction among mine employers to examine policy issues and other matters of mutual concern in order to define desirable stances and joint initiatives. It does not promote the mining industry at all costs, but works for the good of South Africa generally.

A key activity is the Chamber's representation of the formalised policy position of its membership to South Africa's national and provincial governments, and to other relevant policy-making and opinion-forming entities inside the country, and internationally. The Chamber is active on all major environmental policy issues affecting the South African mining industry, including national and provincial environmental management, waste, water, climate change and trade issues. It recently published guidelines for cyanide management and for public participation, both of which were developed by stakeholder task teams.