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Chemical and Allied Industries' Association


PO Box 91415
Auckland Park
South Africa

Tel: 011 482 1671
Fax: 011 726 8310
Contact: Dr MD Booth ~ Director, Information Resources

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The Chemical and Allied Industries' Association (CAIA) was established in 1994 to promote a wide range of interests pertaining to the chemical industry. These include promoting the industry’s commitment to a high standard of health, safety and environmental performance.

CAIA is the South African custodian of the international Responsible Care initiative, which has been adopted by 57 countries worldwide. Through this initiative, companies make a formal public commitment to steadily improving performance in health, safety and environmental management. Another key component of this initiative is the promotion of transparency when dealing with the public. In South Africa, those companies, which are signatories to the initiative, account for over 90% of the chemical production.

Each year CAIA produces a report on the industry's performance in implementing Responsible Care and sets targets for future developments. Performance data are submitted every year to the International Council of Chemical Associations, which produces a status report for the United Nations