The Dolphin Action Protection Group

PO Box 22227
Fish Hoek
Western Cape
South Africa
Tel: 021 782 5845
Contact: Nan Rice - Secretary
THE DOLPHIN ACTION & PROTECTION GROUP (DAPG) was founded in 1977 and is the oldest South African non-governmental organisation dedicated to the conservation and protection of dolphins, whales and other sea life.
Apart from the Group's everyday campaigning and other activities (see website), the Group's main project is helping to run the SOUTH AFRICAN WHALE DISENTANGLEMENT NETWORK (SAWDN), which the Group helped to found together with officers of Marine & Coastal Management (now Oceans & Coasts) in 2005.The Network was officially launched in 2006.
SAWDN is a well-run organisation operating under the control of the Department of Environment (Oceans & Coasts). Volunteers, situated in strategic areas around the South African coastline, are trained to do the dangerous job of disentangling large whales.To learn more about the structure of SAWDN, please consult DAPG's website below.
DAPG not only assists with SAWDN's administrative work, but over the years has donated over R100 000 for equipment, training, replacement of equipment as well as serving on the Network's executive committee. Knives are hand made and are often damaged or lost, together with other equipment when disentangling a whale. The cost of sending out vessels to search for reported entangled whales can be immense as well as time-consuming.
The Network is recognised internationally and the Director of Operations and Training regularly attends international meetings on disentanglement as an invited expert.
Although Oceans & Coasts and other organisations contribute to the running of SAWDN, sponsorship continues to be needed.
Donations can be sent to DOLPHIN ACTION & PROTECTION GROUP and the Group will ensure that any money received will be used in the right manner.