National Business Initiative (NBI)

PO Box 294
Auckland Park
South Africa
Tel: 011 544 6000
Fax: 086 505 8994
Contact: Gillian Hutchings
The National Business Initiative (NBI) works towards sustainable growth and development in South Africa through responsible business action. We were launched in 1995 by former President Nelson Mandela, initially to support the new democratic government. Our membership encompasses approximately 100 leading South African corporations and multi-nationals. We have a strong record in both thought leadership and project implementation, and count our positive relationships with government as one of our greatest assets.
The NBI aims to drive business participation in an economic transition and social transformation, driving conversation, leading to action, through 3 areas:
- Strategic thought leadership that uncovers areas of shared risk and opportunity. These opportunities and risks form the basis for designing collective action programmes and understanding implementation approaches.
- Build the capacity of all stakeholders, with a focus on business, to engage in potential collective action programmes.
- Design and implement collective projects that lead to business-led solutions which unlock developmental outcomes that drive sustainable growth; underpinning business being able to engage in courageous conversations with multiple stakeholders.