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ROSE Foundation

Suite A9
Waverley Court
7 Kotzee Road
South Africa

Tel: 021 448 7492
Fax: 086 652 7384
Contact: Raj Lochan

The South African oil industry set up a non-profit organisation called the ROSE (Recycling Oil Saves the Environment) Foundation to collect as much used oil for recycling as possible. Since the ROSE Foundation was established in 1994, it has influenced the collection of more than one billion litres of used oil.

In addition to collecting and disposing of the used oil, the ROSE Foundation also audits and inspects its collection agents to ensure high environmental standards at the various sites and depots. The ROSE Foundation is a useful Private sector case study on just how successful a self-regulated initiative in used oil collection can be.

For used oil collections, call 0800 107 107.