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Sappi Limited


PO Box 31560
South Africa

Tel: 011 407 8111
Fax: 011 403 8236
Contact: André Oberholzer

Sappi Limited, South Africa’s global pulp and paper group, is the world’s leading producer of coated fine paper and chemical cellulose.

Throughout its worldwide operations, Sappi acts as a responsible corporate citizen and is guided by the principles of sustainable development, defined as meeting the needs of this generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sappi’s stated approach to sustainable development is to concentrate on the responsible execution of its core activities. In keeping with ‘prosperity, people and planet’, the theme of the World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002 and the three key elements inherent in the concept of sustainable development, Sappi’s aim is to create wealth while building human capability and striving for continuous improvement in the environmental field.

In 2003, Sappi published its first sustainable development report ‘Towards Sustainablility’ and in 2004, established the Group Sustainable Development Management Team (GSMT) tasked with developing a programme to incorporate sustainable development into its business practices and to measure and report on these. In the same year, Sappi was listed on the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Index developed by the JSE Securities Exchange, South Africa. In 2005, the GSMT published the group’s Charter on Sustainable Development.

Sappi is involved in sustainable development issues relating to the pulp and paper industry as a whole through membership of the WorldBusiness Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Global Business Coalition on HIV/Aids and through involvement in the WBCSD’s Sustainable Forest Products Initiative (SFPI) and the Business and Industry CEO Panel on Water.

Sappi’s strategic vision is to be the outstanding company in the pulp and paper sector, and corporate citizenship initiatives that support prosperity, people and the planet are an integral part of this vision.