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Society of South African Geographers

Department of Geography
University of Free State
P O Box 339
Free State
South Africa

Tel: 051 401 2184
Fax: 051 401 3816
Contact: Ms. Sandra Brits ~ Administrative Officer

The prime focus of the SSAG is the promotion of geographical and environmental research, education and communication in southern Africa. The Society promotes interaction between organisations and individuals interested in Geography and related disciplines.

These aims are achieved by:

  • Publication of the South African Geographical Journal at least twice annually.
  • Publication of regular Newsletters and other occasional publications for members
  • Arrangement and organisation of a biennial conference
  • Networking with scientists at the global level via international geographical forums
  • Encouragement of scientists of international standing to visit southern Africa
  • Organisation of workshops, lectures and other appropriate activities at national and regional level.
Representation of geographical and environmental educators through engaging with government bodies over policy formulation.