South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA)

111 Harrington Street
Cape Town
PO Box 4637 Cape Town 8000
Western Cape
South Africa
Tel: 021 462 4502
Fax: 021 462 4509
Contact: Ramara Mgoshi
Sahra's vision is to provide for the identification, conservation, protection and promotion of our heritage resources for present and future generations.
As custodians of our national estate, our mission is:
- to coordinate and monitor the identification of our national heritage resources;
- to set norms and standards and maintain the management of heritage resources nationally;
- to encourage co-operative conservation of our national estate;
- to enable and facilitate the development of provincial structures;
- to control the export and import of nationally significant heritage resources;
- to develop policy initiative for the promotion and management of our heritage;
- to nurture an holistic celebration of our history;
- to set national policy for heritage resources management, i.e. formal protection, general protection and management; and
- to develop an integrated and interactive system for the management of national heritage resources.