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Local Biodiversity Solutions


PO Box 12288
Vorna Valley
South Africa

Tel: 011 805 5342
Cellphone: 082 929 3389
Fax: 011 312 0578
Contact: Arnie Gelber - Strategic Planning and Business Development

Local Biodiversity Solutions is an international consultancy company specializing in the customized design of sustainable land use models that integrate local biodiversity within all forms of land use to mutually benefit land user and natural environment.

Our services include:

  • Master Planning (Biosphere reserves, biodiversity overlays, open space integration)
  • Pre-feasibility, Concept and Detail Design
  • Planning and Management Strategies (Mining, Industrial, Farming, Commercial, Residential, Eco Tourism)
  • Environmental Consultancy (Sustainable development and resource planning, EIA, EMP, Biodiversity surveys and assessments, Wetland delineation and assessments)
  • Urban Ecology (Biodiversity integration into the urban environment, Ecological green roofing and vertical scapes)
  • Biodiversity Restoration
  • Water Wise Strategies (Water recycling, Rainwater capture, Retention and management systems)
  • Underground Storage Tank Monitoring
  • Groundwater and Soil Testing
  • Biological Treatment of Sewage and Effluent (Design and construction)
  • Management of Oil Separation Systems
  • Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products
  • Environmental Control Officering

Additional Contacts:

Dr. Shane Sparg: