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PO Box 668
South Africa

Tel: 086 111 5847
Cellphone: 082 901 9745
Fax: 086 601 7659
Contact: Peter Dahm ~ Managing Director

Addicom is in the game of Waterless Urinals since 1983.

The 1st generation urinal we represented required a lot of maintenance as it incorporated a liquid filled trap using a sealing liquid. In 2003 we patented a chemical free system reducing the maintenance by 90%. The EcoSmellstop system, as we named it, may be used with a variety of bowls, made in different shapes and materials. Our system therefore allows a considerable architectonic freedom in design. One of our core activities is the upgrading of existing water flushed urinals to waterless. Our units can be used throughout the whole spectrum from top luxury building to rural applications. We attracted a huge interest amongst Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to integrate our system into “Urine Diversion Toilets”. The latter combine a toilet and a waterless urinal gathering the urine of both sexes to be used as fertilizer.

A Waterless Urinal does save lots of water. Raw water is treated at source, pumped and used for flushing (sewerage) and then treated again. These processes use a considerable amount of energy! Electrical energy, made mainly in coal fired power stations and carrying a considerable “carbon footprint”! (A waterless urinal in a public facility may use up to 250’000 liters of water per year, equivalent to 360 kwh per year. This amount of energy is used by an average motor car to travel from Johannesburg to Durban!)

From the foregoing it follows logically that our EcoSmellstop urinals pay for themselves in a very short period of time. Water, ready for human consumption, is a threatened commodity. There are several conflicts going on world wide about water. Energy, world wide is also in short supply, we South Africans can tell a story in this respect! The prices of both, water as well as energy, have already increased and will continue to do so exponentially. Flushing an average “pee” with up to 40 times the amount of drinking water is nothing short of madness in our troubled times.

A sad by-product in many public lavatory situations is the amount of vandalism going on. Waterless urinals however do not require flushing devices, spreader piping and bottle traps. These latter items attract vandals. From the registration of the patent until we had a product ready for the world markets we invested three years of intensive research and development. In the last 2 ½ years since mid- 2006 we have sold 26’000 urinals around the globe, from Antarctica to northern Europe. These sales are your insurance that the EcoSmellstop system is recognized for its outstanding value, quality and contribution to the environment


Additional Contacts:

Fax: 011 728 2583