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Marina da Gama
Western Cape
South Africa

Tel: 086 010 4093
Cellphone: 072 223 5985
Fax: 021 788 2167
Contact: Charles de Jongh

Timber External construction of decks, walkways, jetties, gazebos, lapas, and all timber frame housing and extentions.

Timber buildings require much lower processing energy. Carbon dioxide emissions from the processing and manufacture of construction materials other than timber (brick, aluminium, steel and concrete), can be as much as 80% or higher. It follows then that if greater use is made of wood in buildings, the low fossil fuel requirement for manufacturing sawn timber compared with other materials is far more substantial in the long term than the carbon stored in the wood building products.

Timber buildings are warm in winter and cool in summer. Their thermal efficiency is as much as 6 to 8 times greater than that of masonry construction.

Timber buildings are environmentally friendly and therefore ideally suited to mountain-side plots, and eco-sensitive areas resulting in very little disturbance to the existing vegetation as well as minimizing site excavation and costly access with heavier materials.