Ophopho Group

Postnet Suite 226
Private Bag X13
South Africa
Tel: 021 361 5338
Cellphone: 076 895 7193
Fax: 021 364 5381
Email: mbolompos@gmail.com
Website: www.ophopho.co.za
Contact: Sabelo Mbolompo ~ MD
The Ophopho Group offers a diverse range of services in the Governmental, Municipal, Industrial, Hospitality, Commercial and Domestic sectors;
Contract cleaning services and environmentally friendly cleaning supplies. Our own brand of 100% water-safe products is made with 100% certified organic ingredients, using Quantum Nano Technology.
Integrated waste management and collection services across all waste generating sectors including all hazardous waste types; We have many recycling options benefitting both socio-economic and environmental sustainability.
Ophopho Construction Supplies
Outsourcing services for construction and renovation projects, i.e. general building services, artisan’s services, supply of concrete, sand and stone, building rubble removal, earth moving machinery and a range of trucks can be hired.
Fully integrated property and facilities planning and development, management and maintenance of residential and commercial properties and fully supervised facilities management and services.
Accredited by IWMSA. NCCA, ISSA, NHBRC, CIDB and NOSMESA and we therefore abide by all specified terms, conditions and codes of practice.
Additional Contacts:
Kim Fordred
Brand and Marketing Manager
076 895 7193