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VACANCY: Drylands Conservation Programme Manager - EWT
24 February 2016

VACANCIES: Director and Deputy Director - Mauritius Oceanography Institute
23 February 2016

VACANCY: Southwest Madagascar Octopus Fishery Improvement Project Technical Assistant, Madagascar
23 February 2016

VACANCY: Project Manager, WESSA
23 February 2016

TRAINING OFFERED: The Earth Skills Network - training and mentoring in business management - CLOSES 26 Feb 16
16 February 2016

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TRAINING OFFERED: The Earth Skills Network - training and mentoring in business management - CLOSES 26 Feb 16 - 16 February 2016

The Earth Skills Network is a unique collaboration between Earthwatch, UNESCO, IUCN and the business community. It connects leaders from business and conservation through mentoring and skill-sharing opportunities. The knowledge gained through this global network provides new resources to safeguard the future of vital conservation areas.


Funding is available as follows:


1. Three members of staff join a 10 day intensive residential training programme co-delivered by a team of learning and business professionals.


2. During the residential training your staff work with an allocated business mentor to review your site’s needs and plan how to best apply the skills developed during the training.


3. After the residential training your staff will have access to the business mentor for support in achieving their objectives, for at least 12 months.


4. Support, guidance and encouragement from the business mentor, combined with senior management support on the ground will ensure the most effective outcomes. 


Closing Date: 26 February 2016 



Applications should be made by a senior manager and the nominees should have influence and responsibility for business planning.



For more information please consult the attached FAQ or the Earthwatch website


Download Attachment: earth_skills_network__faq_for_protected_areas.pdf